

Incorporating  “Classical “ Feng Shui  into Site Planning , Corporate and Residential Design Projects – a  Practical Guide for  Consumers

Introduction :  History of Feng Shui
While some manifestations of Feng Shui technique are closely related to Bhuddism, Feng Shui is not just a religion or a passing fad.  Feng Shui is a Classical Chinese tradition, over 5,000 years old that was derived from simple observation of “The Tao- the “Everything” – “Mother Earth and Father Sun”. The Ancient Chinese Taoists observed that some surroundings are better than others, are luckier than others, are easier to survive in, and are more comfortable and harmonious. These Scholars studied the natural cycles and patterns of the universe, layered them on the Calendar, and perfected these energetic concepts in the “ I Ching “ and other Chinese Classics.

Throughout 5,000 years of Chinese history of site planning, urban design, building design, and even gravesite burials, these Energetic Principles have shaped Feng Shui, as it is still practiced in the Orient and worldwide today. “Classical” Feng Shui is considered one of the “8 Rays of Traditional Chinese Medicine”, which also includes Acupuncture, Food Energetics, Herbs, Chi Exercises, Meditation, Moxa, and Astrology.

Introduction :  Feng Shui  in  the 21st Century
Why Feng Shui ?

Using subtle design techniques, Feng Shui creates environments  that stimulate positive energy and increase prosperity and good health. It has been hailed as the “Environmental Science of the 21st Century” and is uniquely applicable to modern design challenges.

While “Classical” Feng Shui is best viewed as a “Science”, it is interpreted as an “Art Form” and requires the attunement and sensitivity of an experienced Feng Shui Design practitioner to apply it masterfully.

Feng Shui” is a system of design principles incorporated by leading Developers, Architects, Interior Designers, and Natural Healthcare providers- to enhance the experiences of all types of people, in both new and existing corporate offices, businesses, and residences.

Feng Shui Literally means “Wind and “Water” and balances the Flow and Containment of energy, of Yang and Yin aspects in our environments, deflects harmful energies, and maximizes positive energy flow.

Based on the underlying principles of “Universal Cycles of Change”, “Classical” Feng Shui Analysis and Recommendations take into account the time a building is “topped off “ – when  the cyclical solar and magnetic energy patterns that are enclosed and continue to cycle within the form of the building. A Feng Shui Compass Reading and “Flying Star” calculations reveal a very specific Energy Blueprint of the new or existing building over time.

Feng Shui is an  expression of a “pattern language” of natural forms and phenomena, man-made buildings and symbols, with the workings of the universe and the phases of the Sun, Moon, Seasons, Time, and the alignments of the Universe employed to create harmony between Earth, Humanity, our  Built Environment ,Structures, and Heaven.

Principles and Techniques  in  “Classical” Feng Shui :

“Oneness, Unity, and Eternity” are the first principles of Universal Order in Feng Shui. Yin and Yang express the polarities of life and are represented by the Tai Chi symbol. Balancing the movement and flow of Chi’ with the containment and gathering of Chi’ and Maximizing “Sheng Chi’ or the vital life force energies, and Minimizing or deflecting the turbulent “Sha Chi” Energies are key principles. The “3 Treasures” is an overlying principle of harmonizing all three levels of Earth, Man, and Heaven in Classical Feng Shui.

On the Earth level, “Form School” Feng Shui is the ordinary “garden variety” common sense intuitive approach to the balancing of Physical Chi. This involves geography, shape and contour of the landscape, as well as man made objects such as streets, building shapes, rooms and furnishings. Good Form School is Good Design, and while the Ideal Feng Shui setting changes in different climate conditions, it is essentially locating the building in a classic armchair embrace with the Quiet Mountains behind and the more Energetic River Energy in front and in the door.

On the  Human Level, “Ming Kwa” and “4 Pillars “ techniques determine the vibrational energy of the Occupants and their Personal Destiny patterns so these can be harmonized with their surroundings. Other important information such as the Occupant’s lucky and unlucky Directions, times, their Character, strengthening and weakening Elements and Colors are revealed.  The Personal Feng Shui is then compared to the Energy Blueprint of the specific Site and Building to create the maximum conditions for harmony and to decrease the Sha Chi Energies.

On the Heaven Level, “Compass School” techniques of “Ba Zhai and Flying Star” determine the Sun’s Movement, the Cosmological Patterns, and their influence on a site in respect to  building orientation.  A “Lo-pan” or Chinese Compass is used to determine the exact Magnetic Direction of the Building in question.

Why Feng Shui?

These Compass methods indicate the best sectors, directions, and specific energy patterns which inform the design and layout of functions within the building and identify areas of concern in an existing ones. The :Flying Star” method incorporates the unified field of time and space, and is able to trace the patterns of energy and change over the cycles of time. This advanced Feng Shui technique makes it possible to identify a specific energy blueprint of a building, assess the fortune of the building in specific time frames, and predict the happenings and occurrences within it.

All of these Traditional Feng Shui Methods have been integrated and applied in Architecture, Planning, and Interior Design for many centuries to attain Harmony between Mankind and the Forces of Heaven and Earth, and are still widely practiced in the Orient today, and by Classical Feng Shui practitioners worldwide.

Feng Shui Diagnosis and Cures:

Traditional Feng Shui Methods focus on Diagnosis and the Treatment Principles of “Traditional Chinese Medicine “applied to the Environment.  In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the identification of each organ system with one of the five elements, is the basis of all diagnosis and treatment.

In Feng Shui, a similar system of diagnosis and cures are made with the “5 Element Theory” based on the cycles of Mutual Creation and Destruction. Each of the Elemental cycles either support or control the energy of the other element, forming the basis of relating the elements and dictating how Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, and Wood are used to harmonize and balance an environment.

Each of the 5 Elements correspond to Body Organs, Energy Meridians, Shapes, Colors, Building Materials, and Elements of Design, composing a diverse vocabulary or palette of remedies.
An experienced Feng Shui practitioner can then diagnose and make recommendations based on these relationships and universal principles.

When Feng Shui?

Very early in the project is the best time to consult a Feng Shui design practitioner

Feng Shui is important in Site Selection and Site Planning for projects of any size. Concentration on Land Form School can enhance the future of any design or community and ensure its harmony and longevity with natural site features.

Both cities of Ancient Beijing, and Modern Hong Kong are designed with great attention to Feng Shui principles. A Building can be best sited based on a Flying Star Feng Shui Analysis to encapsulate the most auspicious energy pattern for the time cycle in which it is built, thus preventing long periods of stagnant and “locked chi”.

When purchasing or taking occupation of a new space for home or office, Feng Shui can play a critical role in selecting and customizing the best options and design for the occupant’s profile and goals.

Enhancing a property for sale with Feng Shui Principles is a sure way to activate and get property sold fast.

And of course, existing homes and offices can be harmonized and enhanced with Feng Shui Principles to best support the homeowner and family, or business owner and increase business flow, and to ensure the most harmonizing and healthful possibilities for residential or commercial applications.

What to expect from a “Classical” Feng Shui Consultation?

Involved in a “Classical” Feng Shui Consultation is a  “Form Analysis” of the site and building , a “Four Pillars”  analysis to define your Elemental Profile and  Lucky Cycles, and “Ming Kwa “ trigram analysis to determine your archetypal energetics and auspicious orientations, a “Lopan Compass “ Reading and “Flying Star”Analysis of your proposed or existing building to determine the specific Energy Blueprint to unlock potentials.

Practical recommendations are based on the Client’s current goals, budget, and life situation and further design services may be available.

Feng Shui can be summarized as being in the right place, facing the right directions, and doing the right things, at the right time, or Location, Location, Location.

Scope of Site Assessment & Feng Shui Design Services:

Blending 21st Century Technology, and the Natural Ecological Principles of Solar and Climate Design, and The Ancient Chinese Science of Site Planning and Building Design, referred to as Feng Shui, The Site Assessment yields the most Auspicious Locations for Placement and Angles and Directions and Flow for Siting the Buildings, Garage, Driveway, Gardens, Waterfalls, Ponds, and Site Features that guarantee the best Health and Fortune for the Occupants and Owners of the Project.

It also ensures that the buildings fit with the Landscape Forms and responds to the local climate factors and materials of the area. Special care is taken to ensure that the Building Locations, Directions and Forms respond well with the both the requirements of the specific Occupants/Owners as well as the Natural Landscape to promote Maximum Beauty, Harmony and Function.

Site Analysis may include:

Site Visit  & Environmental Form Analysis

Site Visit & Solar & Compass Analysis

Review Topographic Site Plan and Review Site Plan

Dowsing and Advanced Feng Shui Form Analysis

Placement of Water according to Water Dragon theories

Recommendations for Site Planning of Buildings, Gardens, Location of Ponds, Waterfalls, Rock Gardens, Landscape Features, etc.

Building Analysis:

Building Compass Flying Star Analysis

Building Form, Materials, Color Analysis

Building Relationship to Landscape Features

Building Owners’ Luck Pillars Analysis

Recommendations to improve Feng Shui

Construction Timing and Phasing Advice

Unit Analysis:

Unit Owner’s Personal Directional and Elemental Analysis

Locating Most Suitable and Fortunate Unit for Clients

Unit Flying Star Analysis and Unit overlay

Application of Unit Owner’s Personal Feng Shui Elements, Colors, Shapes, Forms, Furniture layout

Annual Updates are Very Important for Changing conditions

Real estate services to help your customers locate and purchase the unit that is most fortunate for them

To assist your customers in choosing their best colors, materials and layout most fortunate and harmonious for their unique circumstances

Encouraging faster and more satisfied sales in the High End market

Assist the Owner with Marketing Materials for a successful Feng Shui Advertising Campaign.

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